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Cultivation in a protected environment allows, if managed correctly, the maximization of production both in quantitative and qualitative terms.
To achieve the set objectives it is necessary to monitor the state of the plants throughout the crop cycle in order to guide their development and growth.
In order to provide the grower with a tool for detecting the state of the crop and supporting agronomic decisions in real time, AgeonTech has developed a special package, “Ageontech Crop Registration“, which through the collection of external and internal climatic data, irrigation, the measurement of specific growth parameters of sample plants and production data, allows the monitoring of the crop as it would not be possible otherwise.
The Crop Registration gives the possibility to observe the trends of the plants, to identify precisely the causes of any problems (allowing them to be avoided with specific preventive actions) and the plant’s responses to the actions taken by the grower.
Customers usually fill in the Crop Registration data on a weekly basis on a shared folder in clould with AgeonTech consultants who analyze the data and prepare reports that contain timely comments and advice. The reports are sent to the customer on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis according to the frequency requested by the customer in the contract.