AgeonTech® Service-Pack-1 and Service-Pack-2: consultancy that makes the difference!
More and more companies rely on AgeonTech® for agronomic consultancy in greenhouses.
The professionalism, the many years of experience, the standardized production protocol, the scientific approach and the availability of a close-knit team made up of 5 highly qualified Agronomists, are the basis of this choice.
Investing in AgeonTech® means investing in product quality and production stability, very important factors for a crop that is often long-cycle and with multiple pitfalls during the year.
In an increasingly demanding market, premium zero-residue products are increasingly appreciated. Fortifying plants and preventing biotic and abiotic symptoms is the best way to avoid annoying and expensive phytosanitary treatments that often frustrate the goal of producing without the use of pesticides.
AgeonTech® provides manufacturers with different levels of consultancy, in order to optimize production.
AgeonTech® Service Pack-1 is the solution that allows all farmers to make use of AgeonTech® consultancy even in non-automated greenhouses.
AgeonTech® Service-Pack-2 is based on an advanced level of chemical analysis of nutrients, the Uptake analyzes, which evaluate a greater number of parameters to obtain a Nutritional Solution even more attentive to the needs of the plant and to grow more beautiful, tastier fruits and with a better shelf-life.