Nowadays the agri-food supply chain is affected by a real revolution of a wide range, just like what has already happened in the past. However, current innovations are not limited to the introduction of new technical practices and advances in biotechnology, but to the advent of the digitalization of agriculture, or Agriculture 4.0.
Agriculture 4.0 is the evolution of Precision Agriculture already defined as “… a system that provides the tools to do the right thing, in the right place, at the right time …” (Pierce and Novak; 1999). Taking advantage of the most advanced means of information technology, the analysis and processing of big data as well as the introduction of the most sophisticated AI systems (artificial intelligence), Agriculture 4.0 is able to provide a set of tools and strategies that allow the farm to use in a synergistic and interconnected way the resources at its disposal together with the most advanced technologies, with the aim of making more efficient and sustainable production.
This frontier allows for example to determine the needs of a given crop in a timely and precise manner, also following its development in real time. It also allows you to prevent the onset of some diseases and physiopathies not only by constantly monitoring the main environmental parameters but by providing real forecasting systems. Agriculture 4.0 also allows you to follow and control all the factors involved in the production process from the plant to the operator himself, finding application throughout the food chain and ensuring greater control in terms of traceability.
Ageon, thanks to its many years of experience in advanced soilless cultivation systems, offers a wide range of items and products that fully comply with the dictates of Agriculture 4.0 such as Trutina systems, Insight Manager, monitoring tools. Pico Trime HD2 the Grosens … These are all devices that Ageon has been offering to its customers for some years now to aim more and more at controlled, efficient, optimized and quality production.